We are Founded in 20019 is India’s leading Hindi News Portal with the aim of reaching millions of Indians in India and significantly worldwide. Indian Diaspora who are eager to stay in touch with India based news and stories in Hindi because of the varied contents presented in an eye pleasing design format. It has taken a prominent position in the web market and quickly progressing to capture the top slot. We also have a team of people with journalistic ethics. By serving the fresh news on the platter of absolute authenticity and our comments stand only as a guard so that all the users of our portal do not carried away from the truth.
Our news persons are prompt in responding to any event by collecting first hand data. Personal interviews of concerned people of that event or incident reinforce the fabric of the information not to say our questionnaires are very impotent.
We are updating the news promptly and swiftly keeping the net users updated with the latest news covering a wide area in politics, sports, entertainment, health, books, business and others.
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